. Kali ini Blog Info Terkini akan memberikan Cheat Ninja Saga bagi kalian para penggemar games facebook Ninja Saga. bagi yang belum tahu apa itu ninja saga saya akan memberikan sedikit pengertian, ya Ninja Saga sendiri adalah salah satu games yang cukup terkenal dan bisa kalian mainkan melalui social network terbesar di dunia yaitu facebook.
ada beberapa macam Cheat yang bisa kalian gunakan dalam bermain Ninja Saga diantaranya ada Cheat Ninja Saga Gold, Cheat Ninja Saga Emblem, Cheat Ninja Saga Critical Strike dan Dodge, Cheat Ninja Saga Token, Cheat Ninja Saga 1 hit dan masih banyak yang lain.
banyak dari pemain games ini menggunakan cheat seperti halnya games games lain.dan dalam artikel ini saya bermaksud untuk memberikan beberapa Cheat untuk bermain Games Ninja saga agar kalian bisa segera menamatkan permainan ini dan bisa semakin jago main Ninja saga dengan MenggunakanCheat Ninja Saga.
Oh ya sebelum kalian memakai Cheat ini ada beberapa hal yang perlu di siapkan diantaranya Cheat Engine Versi Terbaru,dan Browser. jika kalian sudah menyiapkan Cheat engine Versi terbaru dan tentunya browser maka silahkan simak Cheat Ninja Saga dibawah ini.
Cheat Ninja Saga
Cheat Ninja Saga Emblem
1. harus punya token2. scan token kamu sekarang (misal100) scan 100
3. kluar banyak addres tuh klik next scan 5 kali
4. masuk ke headquarter
5. convert token mu 1saja
6. scan lagi token mu yg sekarang (tadi tokenx kan 100 di convert 1 tinggal 99 ) scan 99
7. setelah itu ada muncul addres 1 klik addres tersebut tambah di addres belakanya +4 contoh(xxxxx6d+4)
8. kamu jadi premium deh
NB:jangan membeli senjata embelm karna senjatax tdk didpt di pakai jika mau beli jurus baju itu bisa di pakai jika anda membeli jurus sisakan satu slot jutsu
Cheat Ninja Saga Token
- BUKA CHEAT ENGINE- pilih MOZILA UNTUK aktivin cheat nya
- trus masuk ke profil ns kamu
- tulis token ns kamu DI cheat ENGINE
- double kilck ke-2 nya
- TRUS ganti valuenya JADI 334633473340
- LALU NEXt sccan
Cheat Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill
* Masuk NS* Masuk hunting boss dan attack bos yang diinginkan
* Setelah masuk,biarkan si boss menyerang kita dulu(kita dodge aja)
* Buka CE terus pilih 8 bytes
* Masukkan jumlah darah si boss
berikut data darah:
* Ginkotsu:7293
* Yanki:12760
* Sesho:27950
* Tengu fire:15819
* Tengu wind: 12052
* Byakko:75816
* Ape king:90720
* Turtle:132800
Tutor :
* First scan,cari yang addres sama dengan value yang dimasukkan tadi trz disebelahnya double klik
* Lalu coba attack si boss
* Langsung ganti value si boss dgn 0
* Attack si boss dan mati dech
Cheat Ninja Saga Level Up
1. Buka kembali Cheat Engine (CE) lalu “Value Type” nya ganti menjadi “Array Of Bytes”, Lalu Centang “Also Scan Read-Only Memory”2. Centang Hex dan Isi dengan “62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2?, Lalu Klik First Scan
3. Setelah Muncul 2 Adress di bagian Kiri, Double Klik satu per satu adress nya,
di bagian bawah ada 2 daftar setelah di double klik satu per satu adress nya
4. Setelah itu Klik kanan di salah satu dari 2 daftar/baris, lalu ke Change Record, lalu klik Value,
pasti agan menemukan “62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2?,
Delete Adress yang ada di atas lalu ganti dengan “62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2?
5. masukan duitmu di kotak value,klik new scan!
6. kemudian cari addres yang belakangnya 78(misalnya xxxxx78 x itu angka berapa aja)
7. KILIK2X ganti addres (78) yang tadi dengan AC(kalo belakangnya xxxxx68 belakangnya diganti 9C)
8. di value terlihat levelmu, ganti dengan angka 60(lavel maximal)
9. centang kotak di samping tulisan “no description”
10. recruit temenmu yg level 60
11. lawan boss apa aja
12. pasti damagenya 100000
(bisa udah ada buktinya aku yg semula level 1 dalam sehari langsung lvel 26)
Cheat Ninja Saga Gold
1. buka cheat engine 5.6.12. ganti value type menjadi 4 bytes
3. masukan uang/gold kamu lalu tekan first scan
4. nanti ada address klik 2x sampai ada di bawah
5. ganti value (misalnya 1.000.000) lalu ke kage room
6. lalu keluar gold kamu menjadi 1.000.000
This time Blog Latest Info Ninja Saga will provide for you the fans of Ninja Saga facebook games. for those who do not know what it's ninja saga I'll give you a little sense, yes Ninja Saga itself is one of the games are quite popular and you can play through the world's largest social network is Facebook.
there is some kind of cheat that you can use in any of them play Ninja Ninja Saga Saga Gold, Emblem Saga Ninja, Ninja Saga Critical Strike and Dodge, Token Ninja Saga, Ninja Saga 1 hit and many others.a lot of games the player is using a cheat as well as games games lain.dan in this article I intend to give some to play Games Cheat Ninja saga so you can quickly finish this game and be good at playing the saga with MenggunakanCheat Ninja Ninja Saga.Oh yes before you use this cheat there are some things to prepare them in this version: Cheat Engine, and Browser. if you have prepared a cheat engine and of course the latest version of the browser then please refer to the Cheat Ninja Saga below.
Ninja SagaNinja Saga Emblem1. must have a token2. scan tokens you now (misal100) scan 1003. Outgoing addresses many tuh click next scan 5 times4. go to headquarters5. convert your token 1saja6. you who token scan again today (last tokenx convert my 100 in a live 99) 99 scan7. after that there came a click addres addres is added at the addres belakanya +4 sample (xxxxx6d +4)8. so you deh premiumNB: do not buy guns because senjatax morbidly embelm didpt in life if you buy clothes that stance can be used if you buy a jutsu stance reserving one slotToken Ninja Saga- OPEN CHEAT ENGINE- Select Mozilla FOR cheat its activin- Then go to your profile ns- You write the token ns IN ENGINE cheat- FIRST SCAN- LOVE WILL APPEAR 2 addresses- Double kilck-2 to its- TRUS replace valuenya 334633473340 SO- THEN CLICK OK- And next sccanTRUS LO Kage ROOM ENTRY LEVEL OPPONENT 1 D vague & CHECK TOKEN CONTINUE MU'LL BE SURE 3333333Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill* Go to NS* Go and attack the boss boss hunting the desired* Once inside, let the boss attack us first (we dodge aja)* Open CE and choose 8 bytes* Enter the amount of blood the bossData blood following:* Ginkotsu: 7293* Yanki: 12 760* Sesho: 27 950* Tengu fire: 15 819* Tengu wind: 12 052* Byakko: 75 816* Ape King: 90 720* Turtle: 132 800Tutor:* First scan, find a addres together with the value that was inserted next to double-click trz* Then try to attack the boss* Directly change the value of the boss with 0* Attack the boss and die dechNinja Saga Level Up1. Go back to Cheat Engine (CE) and "Value Type" change it to "Array Of Bytes", then Check "Also Scan Read-Only Memory"2. Hex and check Fill with "62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A3?, Then click First Scan3. It comes second after Adress on the Left, Double Click on one at his address,at the bottom there are two lists after the double click them one by one address4. After that right click on one of two lists / line, then the Change Record, and then click the value,agan must find "62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A3?,Delete Adress at the top and replace with "62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2?5. duitmu input value in the box, click new scan!6. then locate the addresses of the back 78 (for example, it figures out how xxxxx78 x aja)7. KILIK2X change addres (78) who had been with the AC (if behind behind xxxxx68 replaced 9C)8. the value seen levelmu, replace with the number 60 (maximal lavel)9. check the box next to "no description"10. temenmu who recruit level 6011. opposed to any kind boss12. sure damage is 100 000(I could've been proven who was originally a level 1 in a day directly lvel 26)Ninja Saga Gold1. open cheat engine 5.6.12. change the value type to 4 bytes3. input of money / gold and then you press first scan4. There'll address click 2x to exist under5. change the value (eg 1,000,000) and to kage room6. then get out your gold to 1,000,000
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