Sabtu, 28 April 2012


7. Led Zeppelin

Jimmy page sebagai gitaris terbaik di masanya ini bersama bandnya, led zepellin benar benar terkenal tentunya. Hanya butuh satu lagu untuk membuat band ini mempunyai fans di seluruh dunia di 98 negara. Stairway to heaven~

6. The Rolling stones

yap, band ini adalah inspirasi dari band band baru di seluruh dunia. Mick Jagger dkk pun pernah mengadakan konser dengan penonton sebanyak 3 juta orang luar biasa..

5. Bon Jovi

nah, untuk ini anda pasti sudah tahu tentang band ini. beranggotakan Jon Bon jovi, Richie sambora, Tico torres, dan david bryan, band ini sudah sangat dikenal di seluruh dunia. Singlenya sangat terkenal seperti, Livin' on a prayer, runaway, dan it's my life!!

4. Queen

Nah freddie mercury cs adalah band revolusioner genre rock opera yang menghasilkan lagu-lagu yang anda kenal. Salah satunya adalah we are the champion yang mungkin sangat agan agan kenal.

3. Aerosmith

Buat yang tidak tahu mengapa saya menempatkan band ini, Aerosmith adalah band yang dianggap merevolusi cara pandang rock. Single terbaik mereka sepanjang masa dan mungkin salah satu soundtrack terbaik hollywood, i don't want to miss a thing . Steven tyler, Joe perry, brad whitford, tom hamilton dan joey kramer salut

2. Guns N' Roses

Tidak tahu band ini? pasti anda tahu. Ya, inilah band pujaan pecinta rock dunia. Di indonesia sendiri guns n roses memang eksis meskipun bandnya sendiri sudah berganti formasi. Formasi terbaiknya adalah : Axl Roses (vocal), Slash (lead guitar), Izzy stradlin (rhythm guitar), Duff mckagan (bass), dan Steven adler (drum). Meskipun saat ini, guns n roses hanya memiliki axl roses sebagai personil asli, mereka akan selalu dikenang. Single terbaiknya, sweet child o'mine dan welcome to the jungle pasti akan membuat agan agan bernostalgia~

1. The Beatles

jika anda melihat judul thread ini, dipastikan anda tahu siapa yang akan mengisi nomor satu. Ya, tidak lain tidak bukan adalah kelompok musik asal kota Liverpool, The Beatles. Band nomor satu sepanjang sejarah, dan mungkin akan dikenang selamanya dikalangan pecinta musik dunia. Personil mereka mulai dari Paul mcCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo starr benar-benar menyihir dunia. Dianggap sebagai band tersukses dalam majalah rolling stones, dan band paling terkenal sejagad, the beatles sampai dimasukkan dalam program sarjana khusus the beatles. Single mereka mulai dari A hard day's night, sampai yesterday sangat luar biasa.

7. Led ZeppelinGuitarist Jimmy Page as the best in this era with his band, Led Zeppelin really famous of course. It only took one song to make this band has fans all over the world in 98 countries. Stairway to heaven ~6. The Rolling Stonesyap, this band was the inspiration of new bands in the world. Mick Jagger et al has ever held a concert with the audience as much as 3 million people are amazing ..5. Bon Jovinah, for this you must have known about this band. members Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, Tico Torres and David Bryan, the band was already well known throughout the world. Very well-known singles like, Livin 'on a prayer, runaway, and it's my life!4. QueenWell freddie mercury cs is the band's revolutionary rock opera genre that produced the songs you know. One is we are the champions who may know very agan agan.3. AerosmithThose who do not know why I put this band, Aerosmith is a band that is considered revolutionized rock perspective. Their best singles of all time and probably one of the best soundtrack hollywood, i do not want to miss a thing.Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Brad Whitford, and joey kramer tom hamilton salute2. Guns N 'RosesDo not know this band? surely you know. Yes, this is the idol of lovers rock band the world. In Indonesia alone guns n roses do exist even though the band itself has changed its formation. Best formation is: Axl Roses (vocals), Slash (lead guitar), Izzy Stradlin (rhythm guitar), Duff McKagan (bass), and Steven Adler (drums).Although currently, guns n roses just have Axl roses as the original personnel, they will always be remembered. Single best, sweet child o'mine and welcome to the jungle would surely make agan agan nostalgic ~1. The BeatlesIf you see this thread title, sure you know who will fill the number one. Yes, none other than the band's home city of Liverpool, The Beatles. Band number one throughout history, and probably forever will be remembered among music lovers the world. Their personnel ranging from Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr really enchant the world. Regarded as the most successful band in rolling stones magazine, and the band's most famous World wide, the beatles to be included in a special degree program the beatles. They start from a single hard day's night, until yesterday is extraordinary.

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