Apa saja 7 langkah mudah mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran itu? Penjelasan lengkap ada di bawah.
Perhatikan dengan benar, yang akan kita buat itu apakah alat bantu kita untuk mengajar (presentasi) ke siswa atau kita arahkan untuk bisa dibawa pulang siswa alias untuk belajar mandiri di rumah atau sekolah. Jenis multimedia pembelajaran menurut kegunannya ada dua:
- Multimedia Presentasi Pembelajaran: Alat bantu guru dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas dan tidak menggantikan guru secara keseluruhan. Berupa pointer-pointer materi yang disajikan (explicit knowledge) dan bisa saja ditambahi dengan multimedia linear berupa film dan video untuk memperkuat pemahaman siswa. Dapat dikembangkan dengan software presentasi seperti: OpenOffice Impress, Microsoft PowerPoint, dsb.
- Multimedia Pembelajaran Mandiri: Software pembelajaran yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh siswa secara mandiri alias tanpa bantuan guru. Multimedia pembelajaran mandiri harus dapat memadukan explicit knowledge (pengetahuan tertulis yang ada di buku, artikel, dsb) dan tacit knowledge (know how, rule of thumb, pengalaman guru). Tentu karena menggantikan guru, harus ada fitur assesment untuk latihan, ujian dan simulasi termasuk tahapan pemecahan masalahnya. Untuk level yang kompleks dapat menggunakan software semacam Macromedia Authorwareatau Adobe Flash. Sayangnya saya masih belum bisa nemukan yang selevel dengan itu untuk opensource-nya. Kita juga bisa menggunakan software yang mudah seperti OpenOffice Impress atau Microsoft PowerPoint, asal kita mau jeli dan cerdas memanfaatkan berbagai efek animasi dan fitur yang ada di kedua software terebut.
Ambil tema bahan ajar yang menurut kita sangat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman ke siswa dan menarik bila kita gunakan multimedia. Ingat bahwa tujuan utama kita membuat multimedia pembelajaran adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Jangan terjebak ke memindahkan buku ke media digital, karena ini malah mempersulit siswa. Ketika guru biologi ingin menggambarkan sebuah jenis tumbuhan supaya bisa dipahami siswa, dan itu sulit ternyata dilakukan (karena guru tidak bisa nggambar di komputer, dsb), maka ya jangan dilakukan
Alangkah lebih baik apabila pohon tersebut dibawa saja langsung ke depan kelas. Ini salah satu contoh bagaimana media pembelajaran itu sebenarnya tidak harus dengan teknologi informasi. Dalam sertifikasi guru, pemanfaatan media pembelajaran seperti pohon itu, atau kecoak dikeringkan, dsb tetap mendapatkan poin penilaian yang signifikan.
- Cari dari berbagai sumber
- Buat sendiri apabila mampu
Saya berikan contoh bagaimana perdjoeangan mas Heru Suseno, guru fisika dari SMA Negeri 2 Madiun. Mas Heru ini dengan seriusnya menerapkan ATM dengan mencoba meniru tampilan Microsoft Encarta di tahun 2006. Tahun 2007 beliau sudah berhasil memperbaiki dan memodifikasi karya untuk selevel Encarta, tapi sudah tidak nyontek Encarta lagi 
Jaga keseriusan proses belajar dengan membuat target pribadi, misalnya untuk mengikuti lomba, memenangkan award, menyiapkan produk untuk dijual, atau deadline jadwal mengajar di kelas. Target perlu supaya proses belajar membuat multimedia pembelajaran terjaga dan bisa berjalan secara kontinyu alias tidak putus di tengah jalan. Untuk lomba dan award, paling tidak di Indonesia ada berbagai event nasional yang bisa kita jadikan target. Balai pengembangan multimedia dan dinas pendidikan nasional di berbagai daerah saat ini saya lihat mulai marak menyelenggarakan berbagai event lomba di tingkat lokal.
- Teacher Innovation (Microsoft): Sekitar Mei
- Lomba Pembuatan Multimedia Pembelajaran (Dikmenum): Sekitar Oktober
- eLearning Award (Pustekkom): Sekitar September
- Game Technology Competition (BPKLN): Setahun 3-4 kali di berbagai universitas
- dsb
Dari pengalaman menjadi juri lomba di berbagai event, saya lihat kesuksesan bapak ibu guru dalam mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran bukan dari kelengkapan infrastruktur atau berlimpahnya budget yang dimiliki, tapi justru dari ketiga hal ini:
- Berani mencoba dan mencoba lagi
- Belajar mandiri (otodidak) dari buku-buku yang ada (perlu investasi membeli buku)
- Tekun dan tidak menyerah meskipun peralatan terbatas
Tentu tidak ada kata mudah dalam berdjoeang, paling tidak 7 hal diatas adalah langkah yang cukup mudah ditempuh dan pada kenyataannya banyak yang berhasil berkarya karena tekun dan pantang menyerah mengulang-ulang 7 hal itu.
Bagi bapak dan ibu guru, selamat berdjoeang!
SUmber: http://romisatriawahono.net
What are the 7 easy steps to develop multimedia learning? Detailed explanations are below.A. SET OF MULTIMEDIA LEARNINGPay attention to the right, that we will make it if we are to teach the tools (presentation) to the students or we can take home point for students to learn independently alias at home or school. Types of multimedia learning by kegunannya is twofold:Learning Multimedia Presentations: Tools of teachers in the learning process in class and does not replace the teacher as a whole. Pointers in the form of the material presented (explicit knowledge) and can be added to the linear form of multimedia movies and video to reinforce students' understanding. Can be developed with presentation software such as OpenOffice Impress, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc..Multimedia Self-Learning: Learning Software that can be used by students independently without the help of teachers alias. Multimedia self-learning should be able to combine explicit knowledge (knowledge that is written in books, articles, etc.) and tacit knowledge (know-how, the rule of thumb, experience of teachers). Of course because it replaces the teacher, there should be a feature for practice assessment, including test and simulation phases of problem solving.For complex level can use software such as Adobe Macromedia Flash Authorwareatau. Unfortunately I still can not find the same level with it for its opensource. We can also use a simple software such as OpenOffice Impress or Microsoft PowerPoint, as long as we want to observant and intelligent use of a variety of animation effects and features that exist in both software stretcher.2. SET THEMES Teaching MaterialsTake the theme of teaching materials that we think is very helpful to improve student understanding and interesting to use multimedia. Remember that our main goal is to create a multimedia learning increase student understanding. Do not get stuck to move the book into digital media, because it is even difficult for students. When biology teacher wants to describe a type of plant in order to understand the students, and it was hard to do (because teachers can not nggambar on the computer, etc.), then it should not be done would be better if the tree is taken directly to the front only. This is one example of how the media does not have to actually learning with information technology. In teacher certification, utilization of instructional media such as the tree, or dried cockroaches, etc. still get significant ratings points.3. STORY PLOT stacking (Storyboard)Arrange the storyline or storyboard that illustrates what kind of teaching materials will be delivered. Do not assume it's a difficult bahwastoryboard, even points are provided that can provide the design of how the material taught was more than enough. How to make it well enough with word processing and spreadsheet software that can do well, no need for heroics maker storyboard using professional applications. For a simple storyboard, I give examples of work from high school ismudji pack Bontang, East Kalimantan (ismudji-storyboard.pdf).While somewhat complex, can be seen from those made in Brainmatics friends and IlmuKomputer.Com for the content of Software Engineering (RPL-storyboard.pdf)4. FOR START NOW!Do not delay or stall again, for now! Prepare Openoffice Impress or Microsoft PowerPoint you. Start creating the first slide, fill materials that you want the multimedia. Continue to put your materials in the slide next slide, began to play the image, links to images, sound and video that can be obtained easily on the Internet. Howstuffworks.com can also use the site to find ideas Do not forget also that many race winners are only the development of multimedia learning Openoffice Impress or PowerPoint capital is enough to make high-quality work.The picture I took from the work of the pack Teopilus Malatuni, teacher of SMAN 1 Kaimana West Papua are made with simple tools, can obtain a significant score in the race of Secondary Education in 2007. The key is diligent, patient and never give up. There is no science that can be obtained instantly, all through a long process.5. TECHNICAL USE ATMApply methods of ATM (Observe, Imitate and Modification). Try often to see examples of existing ones to generate ideas. Use logos, icons and images that are available by default. If still not satisfied:Search from various sourcesCreate your own when ableI give examples of how Struggle mas Heru Suseno, high school physics teacher from District 2 Madison. Mas is a serious Heru applying ATM to try to imitate the look of Microsoft Encarta in 2006. In 2007 he had managed to improve and modify the work to my level of Encarta, but it's not cheating anymore Encarta6. SET TARGETKeep the seriousness of the learning process by making a personal goal, for example, to follow the race, winning the award, set up a product to sell, or teach a class schedule deadlines. Targets need to create a multimedia teaching and learning process is awake and able to walk continuously alias does not break in the middle of the road. For competitions and awards, at least in Indonesia there are a variety of national events that we can make the target. Hall of multimedia development and national education offices in various regions at the moment I see starting to bloom event hosted numerous competitions at the local level.Teacher Innovation (Microsoft): around MayPreparation of Multimedia Learning Competition (DSE): Approximately OctobereLearning Award (Pustekkom): Approximately SeptemberGame Technology Competition (BPKLN): 3-4 times a year at various universitiesetc.7. REMEMBER THE THREE RECIPES FROM CONTINUING SUCCESS STORYJudging from the experience of race in various events, I see the father's mother's success in developing multimedia teaching teachers rather than the completeness of the infrastructure or budget to have an abundance, but instead of three things:Dare to try and try againIndependent study (self-taught) of the existing books (the investment necessary to buy the book)Persevere and not give up despite limited equipmentI give examples of how Mr. Joko Triyono, an art teacher from high school to finally enjoy Prembun berdjoeang many awards at various events. I remember he was the first work of 2005-formatted HTML, plain still, even a few pages of error due to incorrect link. Then he learned from scratch using presentation software, and finally in 2007 he succeeded in producing products that are ready to sell the theme of Music Gamelan. He recorded one after dozens equipment Javanese gamelan, and put him for multimedia learning. Fierce we can nanggap gamelan and wayang without original gending, enough with the software, as long as many people played with each choosing one type of gamelan.Certainly there are no easy words in berdjoeang, at least 7 of the above is a fairly easy step taken and in fact a lot of successful work as hard and unyielding 7 repeating it.For the father and teacher mother, survived berdjoeang!Sources: http://romisatriawahono.net
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