Sebenarnya kita tidak perlu terlalu khawatir saat notebook kita mengalami matot tersebut secara tiba-tiba, walaupun kita juga sebenarnya juga tidak bisa menganggap enteng. Yah setidaknya saat moment matot tersebut terjadi kita jangan langsung memvonis berapa besarnya biaya yang akan dikeluarkan untuk melakukan penggantian speartpart nanti. Jangan khawatir karena sebenarnya ada kemungkinan besar bahwa notebook kita tersebut hanya trouble pada sistem memori flash biosnya. Karena kemungkinan itu yang trouble hanya sistemnya maka ada kemungkinan kita masih bisa memperbaikinya atau istilahnya flash ulang.
Ada beberapa ciri-ciri notebook AA1 hanya trouble sistem biosnya diantaranya adalah:
§ Mati Total namun kipas atau FAN menyala
§ Tidak ada tampilan
§ Layar BLANK hitam
§ No BOOT to BIOS Setup atau tidak bisa masuk BIOS
Nah jika ciri-ciri kerusakannya seperti itu maka ada kemungkinan hanya perlu flash ulang bios. Lalu bagamana caranya? Berikut caranya:
§ Download terlebih dahulu File BIOS dari website Acer, jika bingung atau ga mau repot silahkan download file yang sudah lughot sediakan dibawah.
§ Format Flashdisk ke dalam system FAT
§ Ekstrak file yang kita download tadi
§ Rename 3309.fd menjadi zg5ia32.fd
§ Masukkan file zg5ia32.fd dan FLASHIT.EXE kedalam Flashdisk yang telah kita format tadi
§ Masukkan Flashdisk ke port USB
§ Lepas battrey
§ Hubungkan kabel power adaptor ke notebook
§ Tekan tombol FN dan ESC bersamaan
§ Tekan tombol power beberapa detik hingga lampu indikator power berkedip
§ Lepas tombol FN, ESC dan Power
§ Tunggu beberapa menit hingga notebook restart sendiri.
Proses ini akan memakan waktu sekitar 8 menit, jadi mohon bersabar. Jika tetap tidak berhasil coba cek filenya tadi apakah benar atau tidak setelah itu coba lakukan langkah-langkah diatas.
Download : File BIOS
Cara ini hanya berlaku untuk Netbook Acer seri AOA-110 dan AOA-150, lughot belum mencoba pada Notebook acer selain kedua seri ini!!!
kalo cara diatas gagal,coba buka tutup belakang netbook, cari RAM lepaskan dan bersihkan,pasang kembali coba nyalakan,dan cara terakhir berlaku untuk semua merk dan type dan biasanya berhasil.Kalau semua cara sudah dilakukan tapi tetep saja tidak berhasil hubungi tehnisi...semoga bermanfaat.
Cara ini hanya berlaku untuk Netbook Acer seri AOA-110 dan AOA-150, lughot belum mencoba pada Notebook acer selain kedua seri ini!!!
kalo cara diatas gagal,coba buka tutup belakang netbook, cari RAM lepaskan dan bersihkan,pasang kembali coba nyalakan,dan cara terakhir berlaku untuk semua merk dan type dan biasanya berhasil.Kalau semua cara sudah dilakukan tapi tetep saja tidak berhasil hubungi tehnisi...semoga bermanfaat.
How to Cope with Acer Aspire One (Aa1) The Dead Suddenly
We have had a lot of popping a wide range of types, brands and designs a variety of notebook or laptop. Different brands, different designs, different dimensions as well. Perhaps because it deals with dimensions that are small enough that is 8.9 "with the power of memory storage is enormous 160GB is also the cause of this for many fans of the Acer Aspire One. But behind it all there is one problem that is quite complicated for a notebook with specs like that, not only Acer notebook brands but another party is almost the same. Perhaps because of the rape of the forces imposed by the dimensions of this notebook so Acer Aspire One class often have trouble can not boot, dead fancy term total or dead a total (almost 50% damage).
Actually we do not have to worry too much when we have dead a total notebook is all of a sudden, even though we actually can not take lightly. Well at least it happened now dead a total moment we do not immediately sentenced how much will it cost to do the replacement speartpart later. Do not worry because there are actually more likely that the notebook we are just trouble on the system BIOS flash memory. Because of the possibility that trouble just the system it is possible we can still fix it or call it a flash back.
There are several features of Aa1 only trouble notebook BIOS system are:§Dead but fan or FAN turns
§ There is no display
§Black BLANK Screen
§ No Boot to BIOS Setup or can not enter BIOS
§Well if the characteristics of damage like that then it is likely only need to re flash the bios. Then bagamana do? Here's how:
§ Download the BIOS file in advance of the Acer website, if confused or bothered ga please download §the file already lughot provided below.
§ Format flash into FAT system
§ Extract the file that you downloaded earlier
§ Rename 3309.fd be zg5ia32.fd
§ Enter and FLASHIT.EXE zg5ia32.fd file into flash format that we have been
§ Insert the stick into the USB port
§ Remove battrey
§ Connect the power adapter to the notebook
§ Press FN and ESC keys simultaneously
§ Press the power button a few seconds until the power indicator light flashes
§ Remove the FN button, ESC and Power
§ Wait a few minutes to restart the notebook itself.
This process will take about 8 minutes, so please be patient. If it still does not work try to check whether the file was correct or not after that trying to do the above steps.Download : File BIOS
We have had a lot of popping a wide range of types, brands and designs a variety of notebook or laptop. Different brands, different designs, different dimensions as well. Perhaps because it deals with dimensions that are small enough that is 8.9 "with the power of memory storage is enormous 160GB is also the cause of this for many fans of the Acer Aspire One. But behind it all there is one problem that is quite complicated for a notebook with specs like that, not only Acer notebook brands but another party is almost the same. Perhaps because of the rape of the forces imposed by the dimensions of this notebook so Acer Aspire One class often have trouble can not boot, dead fancy term total or dead a total (almost 50% damage).
Actually we do not have to worry too much when we have dead a total notebook is all of a sudden, even though we actually can not take lightly. Well at least it happened now dead a total moment we do not immediately sentenced how much will it cost to do the replacement speartpart later. Do not worry because there are actually more likely that the notebook we are just trouble on the system BIOS flash memory. Because of the possibility that trouble just the system it is possible we can still fix it or call it a flash back.
There are several features of Aa1 only trouble notebook BIOS system are:§Dead but fan or FAN turns
§ There is no display
§Black BLANK Screen
§ No Boot to BIOS Setup or can not enter BIOS
§Well if the characteristics of damage like that then it is likely only need to re flash the bios. Then bagamana do? Here's how:
§ Download the BIOS file in advance of the Acer website, if confused or bothered ga please download §the file already lughot provided below.
§ Format flash into FAT system
§ Extract the file that you downloaded earlier
§ Rename 3309.fd be zg5ia32.fd
§ Enter and FLASHIT.EXE zg5ia32.fd file into flash format that we have been
§ Insert the stick into the USB port
§ Remove battrey
§ Connect the power adapter to the notebook
§ Press FN and ESC keys simultaneously
§ Press the power button a few seconds until the power indicator light flashes
§ Remove the FN button, ESC and Power
§ Wait a few minutes to restart the notebook itself.
This process will take about 8 minutes, so please be patient. If it still does not work try to check whether the file was correct or not after that trying to do the above steps.Download : File BIOS
This only applies to series Netbooks Acer AOA and AOA-110-150, lughot not tried it on acer notebooks in addition to two in this series!
if the above methods fail, try opening the rear lid netbook, remove the RAM and clean looking, trying to turn the tide back, and the last way applies to all brands and types and are usually berhasil.Kalau all the way has been done but still have not managed to contact the technician ... may be useful.
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